Awards & Recognition

Recognizing employee accomplishments - big and small - is critical to department success, employee morale, motivation, and retention of valuable employees. Recognizing staff - even in the simplest ways - has the two-fold affect of acknowledging the accomplishment of the employee who is recognized AND demonstrating to the whole team that effort and success are important and will be noted! Managers are encouraged to develop department-specific recognition programs that address the unique challenges and accomplishments in their department, after receiving approval from HR Employee Relations.

HR Awards Programs

The Customer Relations Employee of the Year award awards an individual who best exemplifies the University's commitment to deliver positive, exceptional customer service. Classified and hourly employees may be eligible for nomination.

Classified employees are recognized at an annual recognition event for length of service at five year intervals at the completion of five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty and thirty-five years. Human Resources presents a certificate and gift to recipients, expressing appreciation for employee time in service.

The Staff Dream Fund provides monetary awards and/or paid time off for full-time Classified staff and Administrative and Professional faculty members to fulfill a long‐held dream, such as pursuing studies in an area unrelated to work, traveling to another country, or visiting family far away.

Develop an Award Program for your Department!

HR can assist managers with planning and budgeting a custom recognition program for their department, and provide guidance on monetary/non-monetary gift limits, tax stipulations, etc.

If you wish to award bonuses or Immediate Recognition awards, please follow the appropriate process based on the employee type:

The Customer Relations Employee of the Year award awards an individual who best exemplifies the University's commitment to deliver positive, exceptional customer service. Classified and hourly employees may be eligible for nomination.

Classified employees are recognized at an annual recognition event for length of service at five year intervals at the completion of five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty and thirty-five years. Human Resources presents a certificate and gift to recipients, expressing appreciation for employee time in service.

The Staff Dream Fund provides monetary awards and/or paid time off for full-time Classified staff and Administrative and Professional faculty members to fulfill a long‐held dream, such as pursuing studies in an area unrelated to work, traveling to another country, or visiting family far away.

Develop an Award Program for your Department!

HR can assist managers with planning and budgeting a custom recognition program for their department, and provide guidance on monetary/non-monetary gift limits, tax stipulations, etc.

If you wish to award bonuses or Immediate Recognition awards, please follow the appropriate process based on the employee type:

Did You Know?

Small celebrations make BIG impressions!

A 10-minute gathering at the coffee station with a box of donuts, to praise an individual or team success (especially if done often throughout the year) has more impact on team morale than expensive trophies at a formal annual event.

If you have any questions about HR Awards, please contact your HR Employee Relations Team.

More Awards & Recognition

In addition to the above HR awards, the University has a number of other awards facilitated by other departments and offices:

All Faculty/Staff Awards ▶

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